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How to Do Keyword Research for SEO: A Beginner’s Guide

Keyword Research is the foundation of search engine optimization. Starting point of SEO is keyword research.

In this chapter, we’ll define what keyword research is, why it’s important, how to conduct your research for your SEO strategy, and choose the right keywords for your website.

What is Keyword Research?

Keyword research is the process of identifying and analyzing the search terms or keywords (words, queries and phrases) that people use when searching for information on search engines, especially in Google. The purpose of keyword research is to understand and find the relevant phrases that people are searching for. And then use that information to create content that is optimized for those keywords. 

It is finding exactly the problem that most people are searching to get a solution on specific topics or subjects at specific locations. It is knowing the search intent, uncovering the queries of the users and using it for specific purposes specially for SEO or general marketing.

How did you end up here? That’s exactly what keyword research is and used for.

Why is keyword research important for SEO?

Keyword research is important for SEO because it helps you to understand the language and search queries of your target audience, and optimize your content and website accordingly. It provides you a road map for SEO to generate content for your website. 

Being straight to point it’s to 

  • understand the market trend insights
  • increase the traffic growth of website
  • customer acquisition and
  • Getting idea of the keyword and topic being searched by people 

But how? So here are some reasons why keyword research is important for SEO.

Identifying relevant keywords and phrases: 

Keyword research helps you to identify the search terms that people use when looking for information related to your business or industry. By knowing these keywords and phrases, you can create content that is relevant to your audience and optimized for those search terms. 

Prioritize your content: 

Keyword research can help you to prioritize your content creation efforts, by identifying the topics and keywords that are most important to your audience. This can help you to focus your resources on creating content that is more likely to attract and engage your target audience. 

Optimize your website and content: 

By understanding the keywords that people use to find your website, you can optimize your website and content to better match those search queries. This can help you to improve your search engine rankings, increase your visibility in search results, and attract more organic traffic to your website. 

Stay ahead of the competition: 

By conducting keyword research, you can also identify the keywords and phrases that your competitors are targeting, and use that information to create content that is more competitive and relevant to your audience. 

Overall, keyword research is an essential part of SEO because it helps you to understand the needs and preferences of your audience, and create content that is optimized to meet those needs. This can lead to higher search engine rankings, increased traffic, and ultimately, more business success.

Elements of Keyword Research


In the context of search engine optimization (SEO), relevance refers to how well a piece of content (such as a web page) matches the search intent of a user’s query. There is a positive correlation between page rank and relevance of webpage.  The more relevant a web page is to a particular query, the more likely it is to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) for that query.

Search engines use algorithm to determine the relevancy of a web page, including the presence of keywords in the page’s content, title, and meta description; the structure and organization of the page’s content; the number and quality of links pointing to the page from other sites; and the user engagement metrics, such as the click-through rate (CTR) and bounce rate.


Authority refers to the perceived trustworthiness, expertise, and credibility of a website or web page in the eyes of search engines and users. Usually known as Domain Authority(DA) and Page Authority(PA). Obviously websites with high DA & PA are more likely to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) and attract more traffic. 

There are several factors that can influence a website’s authority, including: 

Backlinks: The number and quality of links pointing to a website or web page from other websites. Websites that have a large number of high-quality backlinks are typically seen as more authoritative. 

Content quality: Websites that provide high-quality, informative, and engaging content are generally viewed as more authoritative than those that offer thin or low-quality content. We could say it must solve the problem of users searching for particular issues/topics.

User experience: It’s related with Technical aspect.User Interface and User Experience must be the good one.


As termed it’s how many times the keyword/phrase has been searched monthly in a specific location.

User Intent

Also known as search intent, refers to the solution that a user has when they type a query into a search engine. User intent is essential for effective search engine optimization (SEO), not what the website owner wants. It’s because search engines aim to provide the most relevant results that give a solution to  a user’s search intent. 

People mainly search for four reasons-search intent: 

Informational Intent: The user is looking for information on a specific topic. For example, “What are the benefits of hiring an SEO Expert in Nepal?” 

Navigational Intent: The user is looking for a specific website or web page. For example, “SEO Expert in Nepal.” 

Transactional Intent: The user is looking to make a purchase or take some other specific action. For example, “How much does SEO Expert in Nepal charge for clients” 

Commercial Investigation Intent: The user is researching a product or service with the intent to make a purchase in the future. For example, “Best SEO Expert in Nepal.”

How to do Keywords Research for Your SEO Strategy

Step 1

Brainstorm ideas and make a list of important, relevant topics based on what you know about your business. Best way is to Get answers to what, who, when, how, why and where to do SEO about your business. 

  • It could be as stated below
  • What is SEO?
  • Who is going to do SEO? 
  • When to do SEO?
  • How to do SEO?
  • Why do SEO?
  • Where to do SEO?

As I want to rank my website for keywords and topics to SEO Expert in Nepal. I consider jotting down the list as

  • SEO Expert in Nepal
  • SEO service provider in Nepal
  • SEO Specialist in Nepal
  • How much does SEO Expert earn in Nepal
  • Job Description and Job Specification of SEO Expert
  • Benefits of hiring SEO Expert
  • SEO Freelancer

Step 2

Search SEO Expert in Nepal in Google, then down below the page of google search you’ll get related searches. These are also the related keyphrases searched by people related to our topic. After that note down the topic which is relevant to your Keyword & Topic.

Step 3

Visit every website listed in the first page of Google Search and go through each article as posted by your competitors. Trust me competitors are a gold mine of information and will make your task simpler.

Step 4

Compile all the keywords/ keyphrases listed and start to seed keywords and make it a topic.

  • Who is the SEO Expert in Nepal?
  • Is it beneficial to hire SEO Experts in Nepal?
  • How can I find an SEO Expert freelancer in Nepal?

Excellent, now you have come across a good list of relevant words which people might be searching for. Next you do take help from Google Ads which is free and provides insights about the relevant keywords and other related keywords. It provides you the volume of keyword searches per month, keyword competition. It will unlock the greatest mystery which gives you precise and clear insights.

How to take help from google ads for Keyword Research

Step 1

Look out the pages that appeared in the first page of Google Search. That will also give you a certain Idea on how the topic can be tweaked. Or you could also get a different point of view on it.

Step 2

Then login to Google Ads keyword planner, after click Tools & Setting in the Header and select the Keyword Planner

Step 3

It will be redirected to page. Input the kewords you have written down and select the location in which you want to optimize your website. You can enter more than two words and after that search results will be displayed based on Google database searched by people over a period of time.

Key Idea – Start with the keyphrase in which competition is low if you have just started. And gradually focus on the Keyword with high competition.

Keyword research involves using various tools and techniques to gather data on the search terms people use, such as Google’s Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ahrefs, and other similar tools. This information can help website owners, marketers, and content creators understand what their target audience is looking for, and create content that is tailored to their specific interests and needs. 

By conducting keyword research, website owners can identify high-traffic, low-competition keywords that they can use to improve their website’s search engine rankings and increase their visibility in search results. This can lead to increased traffic to the site, more engagement with the audience, and ultimately, more sales or conversions.

There are also additional various sites, paid and free ones which I have listed below. You could also take help from these sites.

And You’ve Got the Right Keywords for Your Website SEO

Still want to take help from an SEO Expert in London than you could always count on me to leverage your business through SEO optimization.

Watch this video for detailed Keyword Research

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