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What is Search Intent?

In the domain of search engine optimization (SEO), understanding search intent is crucial to developing effective content that will rank highly in SERPS and provide relevant information to the users. Search intent refers to the reason behind a user’s search query and the type of information they are looking for. Understanding search intent, website owners can structure their content to meet the needs of their audience and drive more traffic to their site. Also it leverages to increase the Click Through Rate(CTR), which is the indication that your website is relevant for SERPS.

Search intent (also known as searcher intent or keyword intent) is the reason why a user types a particular query into a search engine. It’s the secret ingrediants to rank higher on SERPS.

Why Searcher Intent is important in SEO?

Search intent is crucial in SEO because it helps and guides you to create and optimize content that meets the needs of the users. Understanding the search intent behind a user’s search query let’s you to provide the most relevant content, which enhances user experience. It lets you answer the specific answer if you understand the users intent and gradually rank higher on SERPS. Which the ultimate goal for SEO.

Your content must be a solution to the user intent/problem. Once a user enters your website to get the specific answer, however if such information is not found then the users will instantly leave your website. Which will make aware the SERPs that even though your website is ranking but it’s not relevant. This gives negative marking for your website which is not good at all. Remember to stick to the searcher intent if it should be informational it must be made so. Don’t confuse the reader by making it transactional or commercial content.

what NOT TO DO

Increases Relevancy

Once you know the purpose of Search Query, relevant content can be provided to users. It amplifies the relevance of the website’s content increasing the authority of the webpages.

Suggestion: don’t try to over explain it. Content must be satisfying the users query, going beyond that won’t let you rank higher. Instead might bring negative view in eyes of Users and eventually the SERPs

Enhance User Experience

By delivering content that aligns with the user’s search intent, the user experience is elevated. When users locate the content they are seeking expeditiously and effortlessly, they are more prone to interact with the website and remain on it for an extended duration.

Boost Search Engine Rankings

Search engines like Google prioritize user satisfaction when ranking websites. By optimizing content for search intent, website owners can increase the chances of their content appearing at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs), which can drive more traffic to their site.

Increases conversions

Understanding the search intent of users can help website owners create content that is specifically targeted towards users who are ready to make a purchase or take a specific action. This increases the chances of converting users into customers, which is a key goal of many websites.

Types of Search Intent


Informational Intent

Users with informational intent are seeking information on a particular topic. They may be looking for definitions, explanations, or answers to specific questions. For example, a user searching for “how to do SEO” has informational intent and is likely looking for step-by-step instructions.


  • What is SEO?
  • How to do SEO?
  • What is Search Intent?

Navigational Intent

Users with navigational intent are looking for a specific website or page. They may have a particular site in mind and are searching for it by name, or they may be looking for a particular type of website. For example, a user searching for “Google Keyword Planner” has navigational intent and is likely looking for the Google website.


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Commercial Intent

Users with commercial intent are looking to make a purchase or engage in some type of commercial activity. They may be comparing prices, looking for reviews, or seeking information on a particular product or service. For example, a user searching for “SEO Expert in London” has commercial intent and is likely looking for reviews or recommendations to make decision.


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Transactional Intent

Users with transactional intent are ready to make a purchase or take a specific action. They may be searching for a particular product or service, looking for discounts or deals, or seeking to complete a specific task. For example, a user searching for “SEO Expert Fees in Nepal” has transactional intent and is likely looking to hire SEO Expert in Nepal.


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Search Intent: Find how to?

Knowing the Search Intent is one part. But where should it be considered is second part. While doing Keyword Research since you want your website rank higher, you’ll find plenty of Key phrases. Now you categorize and arrange them properly such that the users will gradually be motivated enought to buy your product or service from you or your business. Often it’s called SILO in SEO domain. If you don’t know about and how to build SILO to rank faster for difficult words, go through it. It’s fruitful

Categorize the Keywords or Key Phrases into Informational Intent, Navigational Intent, Commercial Intent and Transactional Intent as being dicovered in Keyword Research. And finally make inbound links and make easy enough to navigate for the users to eventually make transactions with you or your business.

While working for SEO Optimization of various website, understanding and using the Search Intent has always been fruitful and the Secret Ingrediant to help my clients website rank higher than others with high authority.

How to use for ranking higher

All these various type of search intent we are getting to know is definitely for purpose of ranking higher in SERPs.

For each topic it’s best to make a content for every user intent. As an example let’s take we are making content for SEO. 

First, write content providing full information about what SEO is. Give Informational answers to What, Why, Where and How SEO is used and beneficial.

Second, write content or provide information for those users who are looking for an SEO Expert for SEO Optimization. It must be the transactional one. It must provide what various services you will be providing in SEO. What various steps you will implement and how. How much time taken will it be and obviously what is the investment amount that you will charge to your client.

Third, write content on why one should hire you for SEO Optimization. Content must answer why you are the Best SEO Expert. It’s the Commercial one. The content must win the heart of the users and make them willing to do transactions or hire you as an SEO Expert.

Similarly for all the other different topics for which you are trying to rank higher, follow the above provided effective method.

All these content/blog/article: informational, navigational and commercial must be interlinked with each other such that it makes users to navigate easily and results as a good practise in eyes of SERPs.

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