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What are SEO Keywords

Keywords in SEO is what words users are searching in Search Engine Result Pages to get the answer.

Also known as Keyphrases, Search Queries or SEO Key-Words.

It refers to specific words and phrases that are utilized to enhance the visibility and ranking of a website or content on search engine results pages (SERPs). These key-words are the same ones that users type into a search engine(Search Intent) when looking for information on a particular topic. To create content that is optimized for search engines, it is crucial to choose SEO keywords that are relevant to the content, have a high search volume, and are reflective of the intent of the searcher.

Important Note: By integrating appropriate keywords into your website or content, you can significantly boost your chances of appearing on the first page of search results, thereby driving more traffic to your website.

Getting to example

Let’s say that you want to Optimize your website and hire SEO Expert from Nepal. In Search Engine at first you’ll type “SEO Expert in London”, “SEO Professional in London”, “SEO Consultant” and check their website as listed.

Basically your search intent was for transactional one where you want to hire one of the SEO Expert in London. And Search Engine job is to provide you the relavant one. The exact match you (users) are trying to search for and SERPs providing you the website which includes your searched word is called SEO Keywords.


SEO Keywords, it can be one word or phrase popularly known as Seed and Long Tail Keywords. Not all keywords/keyphrase can be of importance for your website ranking or optimizing. Be clear on what relevant word you want to rank for. Later we will be talking about the Short-Tail and Long-Tail Keywords

Why are Key-words Important for Search Engine Marketing?

It’s to rank higher on SERPS and get the most traffic on your website

Keywords are the foundation for the SEO optimization. These keywords are the queries made by the users to get the solution or answer. And the presence of relevant keywords on a webpage or website educates the Search Engine about it. Which will help your website to be indexed on SERPs.

And finally get the targeted traffic in your website.This results in targeted traffic to your website and greater visibility for your brand, products, or services.

When a user types a query into a search engine, the engine searches its index for web pages that are most relevant to that query. One of the key factors used to determine relevance is the presence of relevant keywords on a webpage or website.

How to Find Relevant Keywords for SEO

It’s the first and most important part to rank higher or SERPs. To get visibility and website traffic must do proper Keyword Reasearch. It let’s you know what popular keywords users are typing to get information and you can propogate to your website and get ranked higher.

Conduct a search query: Start by conducting a search query using a relevant topic or term related to your content or website. This will generate a list of search engine results pages (SERPs).

Analyze the results: Look at the top-ranked pages and study the content and keywords used on those pages. Note the common keywords or phrases used, as well as the long-tail keywords that may be used by competitors.

Utilize keyword tools: Use keyword research tools such as Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to explore and identify relevant keywords. These tools provide insights into keyword search volume, competition level, and related keywords.

Consider user intent: Take into account the intent of the user behind the search query. This will help you to identify keywords that are more likely to lead to conversions or engagements. It might be out of topic yet still it’s meaningful as people search for various reason as categorize. Transactional (buyer) intent, Commercial intent, Navigational intent, Informational intent

After listing down the relevant keyphrases both short-tail and long-tail next is to create SEO Silo. You must build content architecture which makes easy to navigate for both bot and humans.

Where to use keywords for SEO

To begin with, it is important to follow some basic rules regarding keyword usage. Each page of your website should use distinct keywords in the areas that are typically scanned by both bots and humans. This will help to demonstrate to them that your content is relevant to their needs

Key areas where you can use the relevant keywords

  • URL
  • Title tags
  • Meta description
  • Page title (H1)
  • Subheadings (H2)
  • Body of your content
  • Image Alt attributes

Short Tail and Long Tail Keywords

Short Tail Search Queries

SEO or SEO Expert is the short-tail keyword. Competition is high and dfficult to rank higher on SERPS

Short-tail keywords, also known as broad keywords, are general and short keyword phrases that typically consist of one or two words. They are often used by searchers who are looking for very general information on a particular topic.

They have some advantages, such as a high search volume and a broad appeal to a wide audience. However, they also have some disadvantages, such as high competition and low relevance to specific search queries.

Despite these disadvantages, it can still be valuable for driving traffic to your website and building brand awareness. They can also be effective when used in combination with long-tail keywords to create a comprehensive and effective keyword strategy.

Long Tail keywords

SEO Expert in Nepal is the long-tail keywords. Usually such keyphrase has low competition and easy to rank higher on SERPS.

Long-tail keywords refer to specific and detailed keyword phrases that are typically longer in length and more specific than generic keywords. They are often used by searchers who are looking for very particular information or products, and they typically have a lower search volume and less competition than shorter, more general keywords.

It’s popular way of searching with low volume of search. It’s easier to rank.

topical long-tail keywords

Long-tail Keyphrases are valuable for several reasons. They can help to attract more targeted traffic to your website, as people searching for long-tail keywords are often closer to the point of purchase and more likely to convert. They can also help to improve your website’s search engine rankings, as the competition for long-tail keywords is often lower. Finally, they can help to establish your website or brand as an authoritative source of information within a specific niche or industry.

It’s unpopular way of searching of popular topic. It’s difficult to rank.

“Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek” or “Trek to Kanchenjunga Base Camp”. Both these keywords will show the same result. SERPs sees them as same keywords.

supporting long-tail keywords

Conclusion to finding relevant Keywords for your website

Now you have understood finding the relevant SEO keywords for your website. Get started!!
However if you want guidance and assistance for finding relevant keywords and SEO consultant, feel free to contact me.
Check out on how I carry out my work along with the services provided and finalize SEO Consultant Fees.

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